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      As a promising up-and-comer in the industry, EDISON Company, with its elegant design, exquisite workmanship, excellent performance, and professional service has won great popularity ever since its initial launch in the market. Some school users who had selected similar products by early manufacturers switched to EDISON brand for better satisfaction. Currently the number of Edison users is increasing rapidly. Some representative users are listed below.

    Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing Xiaozhuang College, Jiangxi Normal University, Anhui Normal University, Lianyungang Normal College, Yangzhou University, Suzhou University, Tianjin University of Science and Technology.

high school
 河南省实验中学    南京宁海中学、  常熟外国语中学、常熟尚湖中学 、西双版纳傣族自治州民族中学、南京中华中学、  苏州24中学、 吴江松陵中学 、连云港开发区高级中学、江苏兴化中学、深圳石岩公学广东安顺中学、  福建顺昌中学、潍坊寿光现代中学、山东聊城一中、山东省临清市第一中学、北京师范大学东莞翰林学校、镇江大港中学、河南青少年活动中心、哈尔滨双城市兆麟中学、湖北武汉育才中学、湖北广水一中、武汉第一初级中学、湖北宜昌22中、当阳市第一中学、湖南岳阳巴陵中学、湖南吉首民族中学 、西安高新区三中、陕西渭南高级中学、河南舞钢一高、河北唐山丰南区诸中学(丰南镇三中、银丰学校、黄各庄学校、柳树中学、黑沿子中学、稻地中学、丰南四中、大新中学、钱营一中、大齐学校、王兰中学、西葛中学、宣庄中学)


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